Making the most of ETV

 We currently have a 3 month free trial of ETV, a repository for a huge quantity of video content. Hagley staff and students can very easily sign up using their Hagley email addresses by clicking on the "First Time User Registration button on the ETV website

Once inside, I have found the search bar useful for titles, topics and people involved.

(For example, here's some of the first results for a search of "Meryl Streep")

You can also do an advanced search, limiting the sources, dates, or age levels. (Click the magnifying glass with a cog in it on the search bar.)

In the "Online Collections", videos have been separated into suggested subject areas, but I find the "Library" link a little more useful. The Archives New Zealand channel in particular has some fascinating NZ news content from as far back as the 1940s.

ETV, as a resource, could be used by teachers showing a video in front of the class, setting a video link for students to watch independently, or even for students to use for their own research. 


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