QR Codes and Project Based Learning

At Hagley College the Year 9 Connected Class (Project Based Learning across Science, Social Studies and English) have been using Quick Response (QR) codes to enable greater depth of thinking and student agency with their projects. Students used the Liberatory Design thinking process to design and create buildings and facilities on a make believe island. Students were given specific parameters about the types of construction allowed on the island, each building or resource must have at least three sustainability features and use of the building or facility must take in to well-being of the users. Students were tasked with creating three prototypes of their building or resource before their final product was created. Some students choice to prototype online using Minecraft for Education, 3D architecture software or some created physical prototype models. QR codes linked to Sway or YouTube video clips helped students to delve in to more depth and to help explain their models. "QR codes enabled students to expand on their knowledge without detracting from the look of their model". Teacher from 9YP.

"QR codes are really simple to make, once you have finished with the information you want to share, you just get the long link to the file and paste it in to a website like QR Code generator.com. It creates a QR code which you can cut out and stick on to anything." Student from 9YP.

If you would like to learn more about using QR codes click here or alternatively you can Hagley College's eLearning Leader Nathan Walsh.


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