Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts at Hagley College

Retrieved from Leeds University on 30th May 2019 from:

The Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (MIEE) Programme is a professional learning programme for teachers. The MIEE award recognises teachers from all over the world who are are demonstrating enhanced digital capability and innovative practice to support students to be future-ready.

Currently there are four Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts at Hagley College: Elvina Stephens, Carolyn Green, Tamara Yuill-Proctor and Nathan Walsh. As an MIE Expert you are part of a group of teachers who are passionate about 21st Century teaching practice and have the opportunity to work directly with Microsoft Education leaders.

How can I become a MIEE? 
Step 1:
Join the Microsoft Educator Community, and complete your profile.

Step 2:
Complete courses to the value of 1,000 points on the Microsoft Educator Community to become a Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE). You must be a Certified MIE to become (or stay) an MIE Expert.

Step 3:
Create a 2-minute video or Sway that answers the following questions in a manner that creatively expresses what makes you a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert:

- Why do you consider yourself to be a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert?

- Describe how you have incorporated Microsoft technologies in innovative ways in your classroom. Include artifacts that demonstrate your innovation. Your examples should demonstrate that you have cultivated a strong 21st century teaching and learning environment.

- How have you impacted the learning and growth of your colleagues? Have you reached beyond your classroom to coach/support other teachers in their growth?

- If you become a MIE-Expert, how do you hope it will impact your current role in the next 12 months? Certified MIE Badge.   You are then eligible to submit a self-nomination presentation created with Sway on why you consider yourself to be an MIE Expert.   

Click here to get started!

If you would like support to submit your MIEE please contact the eLearning Leader Nathan Walsh:


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