Minecraft and Year 10 Music

Retrieved 30 March from: https://minecraft.wonderhowto.com/news/minecraft-worlds-weekly-workshop-music-my-ears-0130206/

Hagley Music teacher Kevin is using Minecraft for education to help his students to understand the difference between notes, tempo and related musical terms.

Minecraft is one of the world's most popular video games where players can create almost anything using 1m x 1m x 1m blocks. One of the great things about Minecraft is that it allows for students to be creative and think critically while self directing their learning.

In Kevin's Year 10 Music class, students are using special types of blocks called Redstone and Note Blocks to read and understand music theory and play melodies. These specific Blocks play the sound as well as display a coloured note, allowing students to see and hear the note as it is played.
Minecraft Note Blocks and Redstones cover the piano scale and allow for a range of musical instrument sounds from a guitar and a xylophone, to a digideroo and a cow bell. Kevin's learning intention is for students to read music, create and order the blocks and then play a recognizable melody within Minecraft. Here is an example of a student's work so far:

Students are aiming to be as good as this example of Toto by Africa created by another Minecraft user!

If you would like to use Minecraft for education, please see the eLearning Leader Nathan Walsh. 


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