Using Vivi to Play Video
Vivi is a wireless screen-sharing device that enables you to connect to the big screen and still move around the room with your laptop. In addition to a basic screen-sharing function, it is able to play video links directly, which generally allows them to load better and play at a higher quality. How to use the "Play Video" fuction of Vivi: Step 1: Vivi is preinstalled on all school laptops, so search for it in the Windows search box: Step 2: Select the screen you want to connect to and select "Join Room": Step 3: Enter the room code (this will appear on the TV which you are trying to connect to) Step 4: Once connected, click "Play Video" open up the video playing menu Step 5: Copy the URL of the video you want to play. (NB Any video from YouTube, Vimeo, and certain news sites will work, but any streaming service requiring a log in will typically not). Step 6: Paste the link into the provided box. You can now play the video. If you are preparing for a...