
Showing posts from May, 2024

Artifical Intelligence at Te Puna Wai o Waipapa

Te Puna Wai o Waipapa - Hagley College are conducting three Artificial Intelligence trials in 2024. All trials are using Microsoft Copilot and are focused on the senior school. Top of mind for all trials is the New Zealand Qualification Authourity's Authenticity statement:  Therefore AI is only used in the teaching and learning phase of the process: Trial 1 involves using AI as a Research Assistant in Year 13 Health, Trial 2 focuses on Year 11 students gaining feedback to improve their writing and Trial 3 sees Year 13 students using AI as a project stakeholder.  Student feedback from all three trials so far has been positive: “It was mean! I’ll use it again to research my next assignment… it made summarising useful articles much easier (Student I).” “It was quicker when there was a bunch of complicated jargon, we could make the article easier to understand (Student F).” “I prefer teachers, but when asking a teacher, there’s always about 8 other people wanting help too. With th...